Setting up Development Environment

This section talks about setting up schroot, for releasing new Karaage versions and for testing Karaage with Karaage-test.

It is assumed the system is running Debian Jessie; other build systems may be possible, but will require variations.

These steps only need to be done once for a system.

  1. Ensure required packages installed:

    apt-get install dput-ng dpkg-dev schroot sbuild slapd
    apt-get install python-django python3-django
    apt-get install python-tldap python3-tldap
    apt-get install python-schroot python3-schroot

    The above list is probably incomplete. Any omissions will cause errors when running Karaage tests.

  2. Stop and disable slapd, it will prevent slapd running in a schroot:

    service slapd stop
    systemctl disable slapd
  3. Add yourself to the sbuild group. Replace brian with your unix user id.

    adduser brian sbuild

    Logout and login again for this to work.

  4. Run the following commands:

    cd tree
    git clone
    sudo ~/tree/bampkgbuild/create_schroot debian sid amd64
    sudo ~/tree/bampkgbuild/create_schroot debian sid i386
    sudo ~/tree/bampkgbuild/create_schroot debian jessie amd64
    sudo ~/tree/bampkgbuild/create_schroot debian jessie i386
  5. Test schroot is in working order. Changes should disappear after exiting the schroot.

    schroot --chroot jessie-amd64
    schroot --chroot jessie-amd64 --user root
  6. To make changes to the underlying chroot (you shouldn’t have to do this) use:

    schroot --chroot source:jessie-amd64
  7. If making releases you will need to have a GPG key to use to distribute the changes and this should have an established web of trust. If not, create a key and get other trusted people to sign it.